NYC measles cases by vaccination status (2018 - 2019)

Import libraries

In [1]:
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd

Read and show the data

The data was manually collected from the NYC Health Measles webpage and saved as a CSV file. This manual approach was used because the data is small.

In [2]:
# Set (relative) path to the CSV data file
data_file = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'nyc-health', 'final', 'nyc-measles-cases-by-vaccination-status.csv')

# Import data from the CSV file as a pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(data_file)

# Show the data
Start Date End Date Unvaccinated One Prior MMR Two Prior MMR Unknown MMR Total
0 2018-09-01 2019-08-19 477 47 31 94 649

Extract context information

We want to show the start and end dates in the plot, to provide context. We use just the month information for consistency across the other data visualizations, especially the "NYC new case by month".

In [3]:
# Notes about the lambda function below:
# - 1. strptime transforms the raw date string to a datetime object
# - 2. strftime transforms the datetime object to a nicelly formatted date string
[start_month, end_month] = map(
    lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%b %Y'),
    df.iloc[0, :2]

# Show the nicelly formated date strings
[start_month, end_month]
['Sep 2018', 'Aug 2019']

We also want to show the total number of cases in the plot, to provide context.

In [4]:
# Get the number of total cases (last row, last column)
total_cases = df.iloc[0, -1]

# Check if there is a problem with the data where the reported total
# does not match the sum of the number of cases for each age group
if total_cases != df.iloc[0, 2:-1].sum():
    print('WARNING: cases for each age group do NOT add up to the reported total!')

# Show the total cases

Extract the data to plot

In [5]:
# Extract the data to plot
data_to_plot = df.iloc[0, 2:-1]

# Show the data to plot
Unvaccinated     477
One Prior MMR     47
Two Prior MMR     31
Unknown MMR       94
Name: 0, dtype: object

Create default bar chart

In [6]:
fig_default = plt.figure()
ax =
plt.title('NYC measles cases by MMR vaccination status')

Save default bar chart

In [7]:
# Set image file path/name (without file extension)
img_file = os.path.join('..', 'images', 'nyc-measles-cases-by-vaccination-status-bar-chart-default')

# Save as PNG image
fig_default.savefig(img_file + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200)

# Save as SVG image
fig_default.savefig(img_file + '.svg', bbox_inches='tight')

Create improved bar chart

We want the bar chart to be clear and to contain the necessary context.

To contextualize the bar chart we:

  • use a title that explictly says what the bar chart represents;
  • add text annotations that provides information about:
    • the start and end dates,
    • the total number of cases during that period, and
    • the data and image sources.

To make the bar chart as clear as possible we:

  • use an horizontal bar chart because it is easier to read than a vertical one;
  • explicitly show the number and percentage of cases for each vaccination status category;
  • use a large enough font to make all labels easy to read;
  • remove unnecessary elements (x-axis ticks and values, y-axis ticks, and plot box).
In [8]:
# Define font parameters
fn = 'Arial' # font name
fsb = 18     # font size base

# Create figure
fig = plt.figure()

# Add figure title
#fig.suptitle('NYC measles cases by MMR vaccination status', fontname=fn, fontsize=(fsb + 4))
plt.title('NYC measles cases by MMR vaccination status', fontname=fn, fontsize=(fsb + 4))

# Create the horizontal bar chart
ax = data_to_plot.plot.barh(alpha=0.3, color='red', width=0.8)

# Invert the y-axis

# Remove the x-axis ticks and values

# Remove the y-axis ticks only (keep the labels)

# Set the y-axis labels font properties
ax.set_yticklabels(data_to_plot.keys(), fontname=fn, fontsize=fsb)

# Create labels in front of the bars showing the number and percentage of cases.
# Note: we round the percentages to the nearest integer.
for i in ax.patches:
    label = str(i.get_width()) + " (" + str(int(round(100 * i.get_width() / total_cases))) + "%)"
    ax.text(i.get_width() + 10, i.get_y() + 0.5, label, fontname=fn, fontsize=fsb)

# Remove the axes box

# Add note about the total cases
text = str(total_cases) + ' total confirmed cases from ' + start_month + ' to ' + end_month
fig.text(0.5, 0.0, text, fontname = fn, fontsize = (fsb - 2), horizontalalignment='center')

# Add note about the end of the outbreak
text = 'Community transmission was declared over on Sep 3, 2019'
fig.text(0.5, -0.1, text, fontname = fn, fontsize = (fsb - 2), horizontalalignment='center')

# Add note about the Data and Image sources
sources = 'Data: NYC Health, Image:'
fig.text(0.5, -0.2, sources, fontname='Lucida Console', fontsize=(fsb - 4), horizontalalignment='center')

# Show figure

Save improved bar chart

In [9]:
# Set image file path/name (without file extension)
img_file = os.path.join('..', 'images', 'nyc-measles-cases-by-vaccination-status-bar-chart')

# Save as PNG image
fig.savefig(img_file + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200)

# Save as SVG image
fig.savefig(img_file + '.svg', bbox_inches='tight')

Export notebook as HTML

In [10]:
# Export this notebook as a static HTML page
os.system('jupyter nbconvert --to html nyc-measles-cases-by-vaccination-status-final.ipynb')